I have plenty of grand notions about what this blog can cover and accomplish. But all would come to naught if not for two extraordinarily talented and good-natured young women. One is my daughter, Claire Feinberg, and the other, Elysia Glover. When I laid out the template for the site back in the fall, Claire (masters in industrial design from Pratt) set it up in a matter of hours on Squarespace. Thank you dear Claire. Through the winter I kept plugging away on the site to be - gaining experience, conducting research, taking photos and journaling. I put out feelers for a paid internship in Victoria, but came up empty-handed. That is until February 12th when over coffee with Ben Isitt, Elysia’s name was volunteered as an ideal co-conspirator . Elysia is the Executive Director of the Victoria Microlending Society a non-profit that was founded more than a decade by then councilwoman and now mayor, Lisa Helps. On my walk home for coffee with Ben I called Elysia and I was sure right off the bat, that if she had the time to help me, it would be a great collaboration.
We got started on our co-working on February 24th and logged four or five meetings - until Covid hit and we had to resort to working remotely. The site is as coherent as it is because of the good sense, intelligence and rage for order Claire and Elysia apply. This weekend Claire is headed to Anchorage, Alaska to run the campaign of Stephen Trimble an independent and solar entrepreneur who is running for a state house seat, so I won’t be able to rely on her help until after the election. She has a higher calling - so formatting mistakes from now to November must be blamed on me. Meanwhile, Elysia and I will forge ahead - on the site ….and as of May 21st working with a group of students of U. Vic Geography Department professor, Cam Owens who will be helping make the project of the site and the dissemination of news ever better.