Trevor Coey of Bartlett Tree Experts helped us organize the pre-demo tree pruning. He and his team will come back for the first stage of landscaping. A portion of the front lawn will be made ready to receive a tree and planted with grasses and scattered with wildflower seeds. To the extent there is room (the northeast section of the property is diminutive) we will add herbs that look handsome in autumn when the first “beauty shots” of the house will be taken. David and Susan Scott called for a saucer magnolia to be planted there. Trevor directed me to visit Kimoff Wholesale Tree Nursery in Saanichton and to tell Julianne that he sent me. That is precisely who came to greet me when I arrived. We strolled down the lane to the beautiful stand of magnolias. Within minutes the right one had been identified. It is a narrow tulip variety Liliflora Nigra which when full grown will have a spread of fifteen feet.
I asked Julianne to tell me about the business and if I could wander around for a while. It is about as tranquil and healing a place as one could hope to spend a summer day. The gallery has a selection of shots taken yesterday. I will write more about as the date to transplant the tree approaches. I have been in the vicinity of Kimoff many times without realizing it was there - near by Danica and Mitchell Farms - not far from the airport but a world away. There is no website for the business - it seems there is no need. Word of mouth among landscaping professionals has built this enterprise over the last forty years. More before too long. Meantime keep an eye out for the water tower and beat a path to this treasure trove of specimen trees.