New Pups/President/Month/year/New Tomorrow

The thirteenth month of 2020 draws to a close. On Wednesday, January 6th a coup attempt delayed ratification of the electoral college vote affirming Joe Biden’s victory. Then followed the tense two weeks until a tightly patrolled, restrained inauguration was held. US deaths from Covid reached 400,000 on Donald Trump’s last full day in office. Canada’s population is 11.5 % that of the US. Covid deaths are 4.9%. Draw your own conclusions. January 23rd marked the one year anniversary of the first identified case in Canada. Today, January 28th, it was first spotted in BC. Tough as the year has been, we can well appreciate how much easier things are here than there. On Tuesday, beloved pup, Sandy (as in “The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow”) whelped four pups. Kobe, a two month old lab came to fill Sandy’s place temporarily. Kobe (Swahili for "tortoise" and Dutch diminutive for Jakob) went for his first walk round Victoria with Margo and me. I cannot say who was more thrilled - Kobe or the 5th and 6th graders we encountered in the park. Meditation is part of the children’s regular curriculum — almost as effective a mood-lifter as puppy-hugging or swearing in a new President who seems prepared to face the reality of the many ills we face as a society. Kobe perambulated in a canvas satchel (straps round my neck) so he could take in the scenery in a cosseted kind of way. It has been bleak and cold for three days. But, like little Annie ‘When I'm stuck with a day that's gray and lonely, I just stick out my chin and grin and say hang on til tomorrow. Come what may. Tomorrow, I love you. You’re only a day away.” I have cobbled together a series of pictures of the house over the last few weeks. Finishing touches continue in February. Please click on the images - some are galleries - but in my incompetence they are not all properly identified as such.